I promised myself that I would write every day or at least a few times a month and alas I did neither. For shame I say to myself. I will write more often.
The problem is I usually run out of time. Not that I am doing anything special right now. The plot for my novel is running around in my head. I am having aa hard time figuring out where to go with it. I wish I had taken more writing classes in college. Creative writing only is not cutting it.
I will strive to do better.
I have my H&H now I need to murder someone. I need a reason why this character is murdered and who did it. Then of course there has to be the best friend, maybe a couple of them. Yeah, because we all have more than one friend. At least I hope so. It would kind of sad if you only have one. But I bet there are more friends out there than you think.
What I am writng is a paranormal murder romance. That says it all. I've taken some on line classes and let me tell you the classes are fantastic. So I should be prepared to sit down and start writing. I have more books on writing than I care to think about. How to murder, in what way, gun, knife, are you a serial murderer, a mass murderer or just knocking off Aunt Jessie for the money. So many ways to go with it.
Then I have my forensic books and websites to go to.
My cats have been so annoying today. Right now Sammie, the 15 pounder is trying to find a spot on my lap. She is sitting on my lap, at least I wish she would settle down. Then my male cat Mulder, oye all he has done is cry at me. We now have a dog so the cats food has to be on the counter, the brand new granite, We have four cats, they all want to eat at the same time. So much fun. Getting back to Mulder, He leaped up thinking he would land on the counter. He didn't. He limped for a couple of days. He and Scully are almost 14 years old. The vets says they are really old. Anyway now everytime Mulder wants to eat he comes over and cries. I don't know how many times I lifted him today. But wait, I digress.
Back to writing. Now with a paranormal I have to have a demon or two, a shapeshifter, a vamp? I don't know. Vampires are not romantic figures to me. Unless its Angel and that's a whole nother thing. Yeah Buffy! Witches, sorcerer, psychics they could all be in my book, but wait, if I put them all in one book I won't have anything else to write about. Just Kidding.
There was a great speaker at RWA chapter meeting. I of course was late, no surprise there, well maybe, I actually showed up. My GPS hates me. I don't know where it wants to go in Charlotte but its not to my meeting. Anyway we learned about trace evidence, The steps taken to get evidence chain of command and so on. It was really good. I like this chapter. I liked the one in Albany too. But here we meet at a resturant have a room to ourselves morning and afternoon program even time to chat before it all starts.
It never fails this time I am about an hour and a half drive away. When asked where I live they just shook their head and said you have a long trip. I was hoping to maybe have at least one writer by me but no of course not. That would be to easy. Just like in NY, there was no one near me. So I just trottle along and hope that maybe someone will join who lives near me. Since I joined in June, there were 50 memebers or there abouts we now are over 70 memebers. I think that is great. Oh and just to show you where my lucks goes RWA Conf. will be in NY this summer. I lived in NY and now I am in North Carolina. Sometimes life just kicks you in the ass. I think I need to really want this and that nothing will deter me from going to the conf. Well money might well deter me. It will be an expensive trip. I don't have to stay at the hotel, I can stay with friends but that defeats the purpose of going of being able to hang out and just being there. Talk with other writers published and unpublished. Do the talks and go to the workshops that I am interested in.
We shall see. I am going to hope that I can go.
So I have been all over the place now but all with the same theme, writing.
I will try to blog more, maybe then I will have some more followers.
I do thank my two followers I hope what I write will be entertaining, maybe give you something to think about or you think I am just crazy.
1 comment:
I vow to blog every day too. I rarely reach that goal. Between my full time work and my publishing house and well, trying to write (oh, I forgot my exercised schedule) there just aren't enough hours in the day. Good luck with your writing as well as your blogging. It's not easy.
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