Another year over and a new one starting. What shall we do with this new year? I for one will finish my WIP, enter some contests and see what happens. Those are my big plans for writing.
Now for the house; finish painting the rooms that need to be painted. Finish the kitchen by painting the cabinets and putting in the back splash and have the floors done. Not much really to do but that is the inside only. The deck needs to be sanded and stained, I guess, we don't want it painted. Paint the porch and around the windows and just make everything pretty.
I am hoping to go to Nationals this year so saving my pennies and not buying any books for January. That's hard for me but I am going to be writing so won't really have time to read. Besides I have so many free books on my iPad to read and there are books on my Sony and books on the Nook which my DH has. Plus there is God only knows how many books in the bookcases that I haven't read yet.
Do you ever get in the mood for something like a mystery or psychological thriller, or maybe something really deep to read? I do and I go through stages like that.
I think I will take the rest of the day off and start writing again on Jan. 2.
I have the doctor in the morning to have my ankle checked. Its hurts after PT but I have to stretch those tendons and get my stable on my feet. Its fun in PT when I am doing things with my right foot and depending on my left to keep me stable. Its getting better. LOL fun to watch me though.
So I think that is all I am sharing today. Need to do things around the house. DH has to work, he has evening shift. So onward and sideways here I go.
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