Sunday, December 30, 2012

Waiting for Spring

Waiting For Spring

A little something I wrote years ago:
Though winter has only just begun, I am already longing for time of year when trees bud and flowers bloom.
Ah sweet spring, how I long for you to begin. The green carpet of grass under my feet, soft and warm. A new beginning for all living things. With the event of spring other magical happenings take place. What, you ask? Why, what every red blooded boy and girl, man and woman looks forward to the hunting, oops sorry, of  The “Mating Season”
Eyes meet across a crowded room with that come hither look, a smile, a nod and then…what?! I don’t remember!What does happen next? Its been so long since I’ve been out in that jungle, that I wouldn’t know the mating call if it hit me on the head.
I think to myself, is that guy with his shirt open to navel, gold chains  tangled in his hairy chest winking at me, or does he just have something in his eye. I hope its the latter. The fellow who is swaying to the music the DJ is playing, inviting me to join him in the dance, or is he asking my friend Bob? Maybe he is just rutting and marking his territory for all to see with an open invitation for whoever.
To catch that certain someone we strive to make ourselves more attractive by wearing the right make-up, clothes, have the perfect hair style, go to the gym, and diet that goes for men and women, make-up not excluded for men. Then to garner more attention, we improve our minds by keeping up with current events and reading the latest best sellers.
At least some people who are looking for that certain someone will attempt to keep themselves abreast of the times and not just baseball scores. We go to the hottest clubs, social events, gyms and even church with the best we have and high hopes.
And for what? You catch the eye of that good looking hunk or allow him to catch yours; he speaks, you realize he is short about 3 brain cells. What a waste of time and effort. Or is it? Men and women should be able to meet on a honest common ground, without all the trappings.
Then again, half the fun is getting to look your best and delving into the mystery that is called the” Mating Game."

How do you like it?

I wrote this in 1996 for my creative writing class.

Where have I been?

I haven't blogged since August. Shame on me. The only thing I can say is that I had a couple of surgeries and they kind of knocked me out. I was going to do so much writing while in a leg cast. Not a word did I write. So now I have a new plan to get me back to what I should be doing. I should be writing.
My husband is working full time. Poor guy retirement is not all its cracked up to be. He's working evening shift so I will write from 3 PM til 8 PM. I can start earlier and end later but this is a plan. I've cleaned out my office finally. Everything that didn't have a place was in my office. Don't tell anyone but now its in the guest room.  Bad me.

I've changed my WIP a little Brenna will not have been married before and I was thinking that she has won the lottery, the power ball. So she is loaded. What fun. Now, how should I have her spend some of that money. Any Ideas?

DH went to the NY house and took some of the stuff that was still there. Having many problems with the tenants. Hopefully they have moved out. DH said no one was there when he went to the house.  No one is answering the phone so I'm hoping there gone. They have had a free ride for the last three-four month. But enough of that.

I will try and blog more. At least once a week. Hopefully.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Networking with other writers, agents and editors is a fab thing to do. That is if you can. PR people can be a great help too. 

So a little about my WIP; Brenna Sloan is a 30 something business woman, psychic and just to make things different a witch. She has actual powers and can call up, use up or give up but never lose them. 
She would never give up her powers of course and only use them when she had to. But with her being psychic and having the two wildest spirit guides well, lets just say her life is never boring, or lonely.  

She's  leaving New York City and going home to the town that she was born in to be near family and old friends. A survivor  of a nasty divorce but in the money. Her ex-husband is in jail. Fraud, he told people that he was psychic and started advising people and taking their money.  Mean while like many psychics Brenna offered her services to the police and helped them many a time. She just couldn't see what was going on in her own life.

OK, just a snippet for now. More later. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Check out Shiloh Walker writing as J. C. Daniels Her new book Blade Song.
Contest and all. its great.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Drove up from NC to Queens, NY, the first stop on my visit. My cousin came with me which was great because we shared the driving and everything else. Actually we stopped at my time share and stayed at the hotel for the night. It was a little strange, the hotel was four and a half miles from reception.  Room was nice though.
To go back a little we stopped in Lexington, Va. and walked around some looking at the sights. Next we stopped in Winchester for a coffee and snack. We parked in handicap and I put up my handicapped sticker. Well I guess the police there didn't believe it was a real sticker/card, whatever you want to call it. I didn't notice the orange envelop until we were in West Va. and we couldn't stop until we hit a rest area in Pa.  They gave me a ticket for $100.00.  I called the number on the ticket and asked why did they do this to me.  The cop thought it was strange that I had NC plates and a NY sign.  I told the person who answered the phone that I've had the sign since 1996 and that it was permanent.  I don't have my NC handicapped sign yet.  They couldn't read the NY sign. I told them that I got it from the Watervliet police dept.  I have to send a copy of it to Winchester, VA. They can check the number on the sign with Watervliet.
Back to Queens, I know I've been gone about two years but I can not believe the toll price for bridges. $12.00 for one and $6.50 for another. Its crazy. Now you have to pay to get on the thruway and then pay to get off. Its nuts. Needless to say I was not happy with all the tolls.
My cousin has an apartment in Rockaway and I could go out to the balcony and look to my left to see the ocean and look to my right to see the bay and NYC.
One of the reasons for my visit was to visit my aunt in the nursing home, she has dementia and to visit my uncle in the hospital. Being next of kin is kind of hard especially when you live so far away. But I did get some things done. It was just so sad to see my aunt. My uncle, my aunts younger brother, has been in the hospital since 2/14. His incision line is still open and infected.  He has esophageal cancer and the Dr. tried to operate and I guess get under the right lung but he told me that there was to much scar tissue to get threw so he couldn't get to the cancer. My uncle thought that the operation was a success until I had to tell him that he still had the cancer. That was so much fun.  He now has a new surgeon working to clear up the infection and then I think they will surgically close the incision line there are three open areas. Things are not great but hopefully they will get better.
From the hospital we went a little further upstate to New City to drop my cousin off to her friends and I continued on to Albany to stay with friends. Had to go to Gloversville to check on the house and to ask for a new assessment for taxes.  Saw my step-son and he looks great. We went out to lunch and had a really nice visit. I am hoping he will come to NC soon to see his Dad.
Staying with my friends in Albany until Saturday and then I go back downstate to Croton to stay with other friends and celebrate a couple of birthdays. Then Tuesday we head home. Oh Sunday we will meet up with more family then I will have to leave a little early and go back to Croton for a birthday bash.
Truthfully I can't wait to go home. I miss my husband and my home. He's been telling me that the weather has been great and here in NY it sucks. But I will be home next week and then I can soak up some sun.
Driving is not to bad for me as long as a stop every hour or so and walk a little.  My back doesn't like it when I stay in one position too long. I am wearing my brace on my ankle and I don't think its helping at all. It still hurts. My left hip is hurting and I have to be careful not to hit it or lay on it. Its so much fun to be me.
I am now going to enjoy my friends today and have some fun.
I am supposed to be writing, working on my WIP.  But I figured its been a while since I blogged so...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well hey!  Bad me I haven't blogged in a while. I've been working on a paranormal ya and I still have my first WIP to finish. 
Things have been just a little crazy for me. My uncle has been very sick and has been in the hospital since 2/14. Don't know when he is coming home. He has to go to rehab to build up strength.

I am going up to NY in a couple of weeks. leaving on the 22nd and should be home on May 10.  I hate missing my writers meeting but I need to be there the beginning of May. Have to check out the house in Gloversville and get the taxes down. Its just too crazy.  Plus see family and friends. I have a lot to do when I get up there.

Our foster dog Buster just got adopted today. I was sad to see him go. I really liked him. We still have our Kirby and three cats so we are OK.

I really need to learn how to outline my books. Being pantser is not all that good for me.  I need to brain storm with people but there aren't any writers around here that I know. Its a bitch. I have my beta readers so maybe I will get them to help me. Trying to write a story that is filled with new ideas is hard. I've read a bunch of paranormal YA and a lot of the ideas that I had have been used so I have to think of something that hasn't been done before.  I doubt there is anything out there that hasn't been done yet.  I just have to think up a knew angle and go with it and see where it takes me.

I think having an outline is great, you know where you want to go with your story, but you can change it as needed.

Well break time is over back to writing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Friday and no writing. I am so bad. I did just finish taking a workshop with Deborah Blake which was great. 
Tomorrow I will sit and write. Housework all done so the weekend is free to create.  My biggest problem is headaches. I've been waking up with headaches this past week. Not sleeping good either. Fibro is not fun. Different parts of my body hurt.  Forget about my lower back. I could barely get out of the  chair and it took me a while to straighten up my body. I look so cute when I can't stand straight. Enough complaining.  
Looking forward to Feb. chapter meeting.  Have to finish my article. 
I guess that is about it for now.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I have my twitter account back. Still don't know why it was suspended but at this point I don't care. 

Working on my article today, at least I hope I will.  

You know, three cats and one big dog really doesn't do a house much good and I really hate cleaning. Here's a laugh, I was a partner in a cleaning service until I got sick and ended up in hospital.  Before I got married I had someone come in and do the heavy cleaning for me. Bad back and Fibro make cleaning a little tense for me. I have a great husband who works, cooks and helps. I am one lucky girl.
Husband wants me to get lottery tickets today. He says we need to win and since I am so lucky (ha ha) I should buy them.

Cutting this short, but before I do that.

  Ankle hurts, why, I don't know.  I banged it a couple of weeks ago and it hurt but went away then a few days later it started to hurt when I moved it. Dr. tested me for gout. Gout! I laughed. I told him that I don't eat shellfish that often and I hardly drink. LOL  
I know I have a bone chip floating around in there, maybe it moved to a bad spot. Ah well, something else to live with. I love being me.
Have a fab day!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


My Twitter account was suspended the other day. I don't know why, but I did write three times to the Twitter people to find out why. I am not a big twitterer so couldn't understand why they suspended me.
I did write and say that if  I was hacked then its their problem. Their security is lax.  I guess I must have been right because I had 14 requests to follow me this morning and I was able to accept all of them. 
I also mentioned to Twitter that there are requests from porn sites and that I was tired of getting them. Can't they do something about them?
I really need to learn how to use the hash marks or whatever they are called and how to follow the people I want to follow.  I think I need to sit down and learn what Twitter is all about.

Today I am going to work on an article about saving your documents/WIP and whatever else is important.  I am still so bummed that I lost so many workshops. Was I in any of the workshops that with anyone reading this that wants to share their lessons with me?  That would be so great.

Finishing up my coffee, then some housework and on to writing.

Have a great day all

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First off the holidays were very nice. Quiet but nice. New Years, DH had to work so I brought the New Year in on my own. He was home about 12:30 AM so not too bad. 

I am sitting in my office at home, finally.  I've had the office for a few weeks but now I can actually walk into it. All the Xmas stuff is put away.

I'm making this big to make sure you read it.
Now my tale of woe. I wrote that I got hit with the Win7 Internet Security Virus. I took my laptop into Best Buy and they told me that they could clean up the virus and save my documents.  Me, "Yippee"  a little to fast. I picked up the laptop after Christmas. There were two disk's of  what I thought was my documents. But no...
Same information on each disk. The information on the disks was stuff I didn't need. So all the workshops are gone from that laptop. I did save a couple on a memory stick. I was going to put them on my netbook. Which I will still do. There are some workshops from '08 and '09 that are on my 15 inch laptop. Which are now on a memory stick. 

I very nicely handed (shoved) the two disks to the Geek Guy  and told the Geek Guy that they were useless to me and I wanted my money back for making the disks. It was an extra $85.00 dollars for that. They very nicely gave me my money back. Now, I will tell you a couple of tears did escape my eyes when the Guy told me that what they saved was it.   So no workshops on Police, paranormal writing, There were a couple on writing the paranormal that are now gone.  I do sometimes print the lessons out but there was one that was 90 pages and I thought to myself I can read that on the laptop. LOL 

The memory stick that had my WIP, was connected to the laptop when I got hit with the virus. Everyone told me not to use it. But I thought to myself, I will take the stuff off the 15 inch that I need and then plug the memory stick into it. It worked.  I printed out my WIP,  and some other stuff. No signs of infection. 

I am really bad though, I now own a netbook, a 15" laptop and two 17" laptops. It seems that I get a new one every two years. Now the new one was a gift to me from me for Xmas though the DH will tell you that he bought it. I bought it because I really didn't think Best Buy could fix it. I could not download anything and there are files on the net that I could have used to get rid of the virus myself.  Couldn't download anything.

What did I learn from this; I learned that you must back up your work. Any files that you deem important, pictures, and things of that nature need to be saved somewhere.  I use dropbox for my pictures so they were fine. Put your work on a memory stick, email it to yourself or print out what you need to keep.
I have learned my lesson. I hope you can learn from me.